Keep it simple silly – thats what I could think of when I saw this video! Its a simple way of combining, words, with pictures and voice over! The message however that it communicates has nothing simple about it. Girls and women face challenges that could break the most hardest of us but they still manage to overcome their circumstances and give hope. Its a simple but powerful video and am glad that powerful forces such as New York Times and International Herald Tribune have combined their resources and reach to capture these stories.
There are countless times in any woman’s lives that we cross a road or a street and cant help but want to scream ‘stop looking’. Eve-teasing has been tackled by various people through different ways, for some of my favourite instances, see this project or the video below from Jagori‘s project Safe Delhi. Eve-teasing happens even when one doesnt know its happening, it does not need to be a whistle, a touch or anything more obvious, all it takes is – that ‘look’ or even the intention of that ‘look’.
BUT all its takes to stop is that firm action, that scream, that slap!