Anybody (anybody?) who has read my last few posts knows that I have been discussing the imagery of women in advertising and holding the executives in advertising responsible for perpetuating the stereotype. While watching super bowl this year I was struck by how America thinks about gender —or actually what the advertising executives think America is thinking about gender— in 2013.

So clearly girls love pink and there is no way that a dad can take her away from her pink room. However a bag of chips can totally make pink, dad and his friend’s new favorite color? I am still mulling over the undertones but here is the advertisement for you to take a look at:

Women in America are still expected to do the laundry but well they can use that as ‘advantage’ over their male partners to convey their own ‘game spirit’.

There are quite some many of these but I stop here and think – this has semblances of my ‘real life ‘ but with completely distorted reflections I am being fed my own reality and I am buying it?

I have been lucky that in my current job I get to travel a fair bit. There is a certain anxiety that comes with each travel, both of what I will see and learn but at the same time what I will eat. It is vain to think about my immediate food requirement as soon as I land, but its inevitable, I wonder what I will eat. Disembarking from the plane marks my last stop of ‘familiar’ food services! I guess that’s also part of my being a vegetarian, i.e. I don’t eat: egg, fish, beef, chicken, goat, lamb – anything that was a moving creature that was killed and consumed. I do eat milk products (no am not a VEGAN).

Now that I have defined what a vegetarian is – one that is not an “occasional” vegetarian but of 15 years -I can talk about the rest! My travel is always underpinned by the thoughts on what I will eat. I love to explore places but a large part is often eluding me because I cant eat the local foods, enjoy the local cuisine which is an integral part of any culture or country.

Through this blog I will capture all the places I visit and what I do in my quest to find the local vegetarian food, or how I make my way in getting a taste of the local yet staying true to my vegetarian practices.

Upcoming posts about:


Lunch: Cheese, Spinach Sandwich with coffee




Dinner: Black bean rice with raisin


Dinner @ Eataly: Gnocchi with vegetables and cheese


Cheese Enchilada in Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico

Ethiopia and Turkey Coming Up!